We're so glad you want to join us!

DSA is funded and run by it’s dues-paying members to ensure that it remains accountable only to us. By becoming a dues-paying member, you are gaining voting rights in Chattanooga DSA and financially supporting the fight for democratic control of the economy and political system for the good of all people, rather than a wealthy few, in Chattanooga and across the country. A portion of your dues go to our local chapter when you sign up for national membership.

You can also donate directly to Chattanooga DSA to support our chapter’s efforts.

No one will ever be turned away due to lack of funds. Apply for a dues waiver if you are unable to pay for national dues at this time.

Here's how to get connected to us:

  1. Become a dues-paying member here: dsausa.org/join
  2. Join our Slack group here to stay up to date on our organizing conversations.
  3. Email us: chattanoogadsa@gmail.org

Stay informed

Getting on our email list is the easiest way to follow what Chattanooga DSA is doing and to find ways you can get involved.